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The first thing that comes to mind when trying to reflect on this class is that it was not at all what I expected. This is both a good and a bad thing. One thing I really liked about the class was that we were required to make our own website. I liked this because I had never done this before, but feel that knowing how to make a website in the future will be beneficial. I both loved and hated the amount of freedom I had in this class. I loved it because it felt like I never had any homework, we did not have any tests or quizzes, and could write about whatever we wanted. What I did not like about the class was that I felt like we received too few instructions and that we had too much freedom. Because there were no rules or rubrics, I was always worried that I was not doing my work in the style the teacher, Mat, was looking for. The other thing about this class that caused me trouble was the fact that all the work due for the class did not need to be turned in until the very end of the semester. This was troublesome for me because I procrastinated until the end of the semester and had to work really hard to catch up. Overall I had a great time with this class over the course of the semester and would definitely recommend it to others.
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